Tester Statement on McConnell Coronavirus Bill Vote

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement on the Senate’s failed vote on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s coronavirus legislative package:

“This bill is a multi-trillion dollar bailout for the largest corporations that ignores the urgent needs of Montana workers, families, and small businesses who are suffering. The bill fails to make critically needed investments in our hospitals and health care workforce while providing no accountability for how this massive amount of taxpayer money will be spent. I’ve been working around the clock to get a fair deal for Montana that Republicans and Democrats can agree on, and I hope my colleagues across the aisle will come to the table to hammer out a stimulus package that actually works for the serious needs of our state.”

Tester has been working tirelessly to ensure that Montana is prepared to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak. Earlier this week, he urged Senate Leadership to ensure that Washington does not leave Montana behind in its response to the outbreak by pressing for this legislative package to include key priorities for Montana workers, schools, small businesses, Tribes, and local governments—feedback that he’s heard directly from folks on the ground.

Tester has been reaching out to Montana workers, business leaders, local government officials, Tribal members, and educators across the state to hear directly about the public health and economic effects of the outbreak and what policy solutions would provide the most relief.

This week, he also held a Facebook Town Hall from his office in Washington, DC, where he fielded questions from Montanans and provided an update on his work to support folks in the Treasure State during the pandemic.
