Tester Secures More Than $4.5 Million in CDC Funding for Montana Coronavirus Response

Senator: “We cannot let Washington dysfunction stand in the way of keeping Montana families healthy and safe”

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today announced $4,567,500 in Centers for Disease Control (CDC) funding for Montana to help combat the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

“This funding is a critical first step toward helping Montana communities fight the outbreak of COVID-19,” said Tester. “I was proud to vote for this funding two weeks ago, but now it’s past time for Mitch McConnell to let the Senate do its job and provide more support to our state. We cannot let Washington dysfunction stand in the way of keeping Montana families healthy and safe.”

This CDC funding-appropriated by the Coronavirus supplemental package signed into law on March 6-will support states, local governments, Tribes and health service providers in carrying out surveillance, epidemiology, laboratory capacity, infection control and other preparedness and response activities.

U.S. Senator Jon Tester has led the charge on pushing the Trump Administration to make sure that vulnerable Montanans-in particular, seniors, folks with disabilities, and direct care providers-have access to information about test kits, proper protection and the outbreak of COVID-19. He has introduced legislation to guarantee testing for the virus will be at zero cost, and he is working to extend the IRS tax filing deadline. He has also doubled down on his efforts to press the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Indian Health Service to provide veterans, VA healthcare staff and Tribes with access to proper resources and information.

