Tester Votes to Prevent War with Iran Without Congressional Approval

Senator votes for war powers resolution ensuring Congress plays constitutional role in authorization of military force

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today voted for a bipartisan effort to prevent the Trump Administration from going to war with Iran without explicit approval from Congress.

“When we send our men and women in uniform halfway across the world to defend this country in wars supported by taxpayers, the Constitution dictates that Congress—the folks who represent those servicemembers and taxpayers—must have a transparent debate about whether those wars are in the national interest,” Tester said. “The world is certainly better off without Qassim Soleimani, but today Republicans and Democrats alike agreed that this Administration cannot use the unilateral killing of a terrorist as sole justification for yet another war in the Middle East.”

Following the Administration’s killing of Iran’s Qassim Soleimani on Iraqi soil, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine introduced a resolution supported by both Republicans and Democrats, that requires any hostilities with Iran be explicitly authorized by a congressional declaration of war or a specific authorization of the use of military force. It does not prevent the United States from defending itself from imminent attack.

Since Tester arrived in the Senate in 2007 he has vocally advocated for the Bush, Obama, and Trump Administrations to renew the Authorization for use of Military Force before engaging in armed conflict.
