Tester, Wyden Lead Charge to Overturn Controversial Dark Money Rule

35 Senators Submit Petition to Force A Vote on Campaign Finance Resolution

(U.S. Senate)-U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and U.S. Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) are leading the charge to overturn a controversial dark money rule that allows special interest groups to hide their donors from authorities.

Tester and Wyden are forcing a vote on their Congressional Review Act resolution to overturn an unpopular U.S. Treasury Department decision that allows special interests to hide their donors from the IRS. 33 U.S. Senators have co-signed Tester’s and Wyden’s petition, giving it more than the 30 co-signers needed to force all Senators to vote on the legislation.

“If we don’t take this aggressive approach, more dark money is going to flood our campaigns and mislead voters,” Tester said. “We refuse to allow special interests to buy our democracy and this move will help us force a vote that will draw a clear line between those who are defending our country from dangerous dark money and those who are doing nothing to stop it.”

“Restoring this donor disclosure rule is simply common sense. Without it law enforcement officials won’t know whether dark money is corrupting our elections,” Ranking Member Wyden said. “The Senate must act immediately to reverse the Trump administration’s reckless decision to hide dark money donors from tax authorities.”

In July, the Treasury Department and the IRS eliminated the requirement for certain tax-exempt organizations to report the identities of major donors to the IRS.

Under the Congressional Review Act, members of Congress must introduce a disapproval resolution within 60 calendar days from when the final rule was issued. After 20 calendar days, the resolution can be discharged from Finance Committee without a Committee vote. At that point, a motion to proceed to the resolution may be made on the Senate floor, so long as it is supported, in writing, by at least 30 Senators.

Tester and Wyden are pushing for a Senate vote on their Congressional Review Act resolution immediately.

You can read the Senators’ Congressional Review Act Resolution HERE.
