Tester: Montana Families Can’t Afford These Harmful Health Care Decisions

Senator Fights for Lower Medical Costs, Sticks Up for Folks with Health Conditions

(Billings, Mont.)—U.S. Senator Jon Tester today slammed a decision by the Justice Department to attack key portions of current health care law that require insurance companies to cover individuals with pre-existing medical conditions.

“This reckless decision will raise costs and threaten coverage for folks with cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes,” said Tester. “Instead of playing political games with our health, they should be working to lower the price of insurance. Montana families can’t afford these harmful decisions, and that’s why I’m sticking up for them and pushing Congress to make health care more affordable.”

Tester recently wrapped up a statewide health care tour where he gathered feedback from Montanans about how to lower health care costs.

Tester is sponsoring numerous pieces of legislation to make health care more affordable, and hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for the rising costs of prescription drugs.
