Tester meets with Montana Special Olympics Athlete of the Year

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester met with Montana’s Special Olympics Athlete of the Year, Josh Anderson, and the President and CEO of Montana Special Olympics, Bob Norbie.

In Tester’s Washington office, Anderson and Norbie discussed the positive impact that Special Olympics has in Montana.

“Special Olympics is changing lives, not only of athletes, but families and communities.” Tester said. “I’m always inspired by the incredible work they do all over the world, and especially in Montana.”

Anderson was chosen as Montana’s Special Olympics Athlete of the Year in September. His was one of 11 awards given out, and six of those went to residents of Great Falls.

“Participating in Special Olympics helped me gain confidence. Special Olympics really gave me a boost to push towards graduating high school.” Anderson said. “I was able to find out what I could do through sports.”

Anderson and Norbie were on Capitol Hill to discuss how important federal funding is to Special Olympics and urged continued funding in FY16 for health and education related initiatives in Special Olympics.

“Special Olympics inspired Josh to keep going and gave him newfound confidence, courage, and determination. We felt he could be a great ambassador for his peers.” Norbie said. “Special Olympics really appreciates Senator Tester championing athletes with intellectual disabilities. Thanks to his support, our athletes train for life on the playing field.”

Josh Anderson has participated in the Special Olympics since 2001, competing in alpine skiing, cycling, soccer and basketball. From 2003-2008, he served on the Montana Special Olympics board of directors, and represented the state at the Global Athlete Congress in Panama in 2005.
