Tester, Walsh announce nearly $30 million in PILT payments to Montana counties

(U.S. SENATE) – Senators Jon Tester and John Walsh today announced that Montana counties will receive nearly $30 million this year in Payments In Lieu of Taxes (PILT):

“Rural communities in Montana use PILT to improve their schools, build better roads, and pay for essential services,” Tester said. “These payments are an investment in Montana’s students and our rural way of life, and I will continue supporting PILT and make sure payments quickly get to the ground where they’re needed.”

“Many schools, roads, law enforcement, and other needs throughout Montana rely on these funds, so it is essential that we provide certainty that PILT is secure for the long term,” Walsh said. “PILT is a vital part of keeping our rural counties with small tax bases thriving.”

PILT is an Interior Department initiative that helps rural communities make up for tax revenue lost due to untaxable public lands. Last year, Montana counties received $26.5 million.

Tester recently worked with a bipartisan coalition to reauthorize PILT in the 2014 Farm Bill, making these payments possible.

