Tester on budget deal: Time to move beyond Washington-caused crises

Senator says agreement cuts deficit, creates certainty to strengthen economy

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement after voting to approve the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 that will end the ongoing cycle of budget crises and provide needed economic certainty to help Montana businesses grow and create more jobs:

“No compromise is perfect – that’s the nature of compromise – but we must move beyond the non-stop cycle of Washington-caused crises that are holding back our economy. This bipartisan deal cuts the deficit, provides certainty for small businesses, and allows for investments in education and infrastructure that create jobs. I will keep working with my colleagues to take the necessary steps to make sure the bill works for Montanans, but it’s long past time to pass a budget that gives Montanans the stronger economy we deserve.”

Nearly two-thirds of the Senate approved today’s two-year bipartisan budget agreement. The bill cuts the deficit by $22 billion, replaces indiscriminate spending cuts to initiatives like Head Start with more targeted cuts, and repeals $19 billion of cuts to the military set to kick-in next year. It also delays a 20 percent cut in Medicare reimbursements scheduled to hit January 1, 2014.
