Tester praises Colt Summit forest restoration decision

‘Time is running out’ for healthy forests, Senator warns

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement in response to the U.S. Forest Service’s approval of the Colt Summit forest restoration project in the Lolo National Forest:

“The Colt Summit project has earned widespread support because its creates jobs while protecting fish and wildlife, cutting the risk of wildfire and restoring the health of our forests. Time is running out when it comes to forest health. We need more Made-in-Montana projects like Colt Summit, not more roadblocks by extreme organizations that profit from unnecessary lawsuits.”

A federal judge must now greenlight the 2,038-acre Colt Summit project, north of Seeley Lake. The forest restoration plan is the result of a collaborative agreement by local community leaders, conservationists, scientists, outdoorsmen and Montana timber companies to improve wildlife habitat, protect clean water and cut the risk of wildfire.

Tester is the author of the landmark Forest Jobs and Recreation Act-bipartisan legislation to restore National Forest land, create jobs and boost recreation opportunities across western Montana.
