- 09.02.2011
Tester: Labor Day a time to celebrate strength of American workers
(MISSOULA, Mont.) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester today released the following message on the significance of Labor Day:
On Labor Day, we celebrate all American workers and the hard work that built this country and secured the benefits too many folks take for granted every day. Labor Day is about taking a moment to recognize that living wages, fair benefits, safe working conditions – even weekends – weren’t always a given. They are the result of generations of laborers and trade unions who fought very hard for those rights. And they won.
These basic rights and benefits are a foundation for strong families, strong communities, and a strong economy.
Labor Day is also about saying thank you to the men and women who work hard every day to keep our economy moving.
We’re making progress on rebuilding our economy and we’re tackling the challenge of balancing the books in Washington, DC.
I know there are people out there who believe the best thing we can do is cut job training initiatives, extend tax loopholes for millionaires and corporations that ship jobs overseas, and yank the rug out from under the folks who need a hand getting back on their feet.
I’m not one who thinks that way.
Rebuilding our economy – and strengthening America’s workforce – is a team effort.
I look forward to continuing to be your partner in that effort as we fight to make sure Montana workers and their families are treated fairly. Keep up the good work. And keep in touch.