Tester Secures $3.3 Million for Montana Ports of Entry Through Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Funding for critical upgrades and repairs for land ports on northern border

As a direct result of his bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), U.S. Senator Jon Tester secured $3,343,149.60 for critical infrastructure upgrades and repairs to several Montana land ports of entry along the northern border.

“Montanans rely on our land ports of entry for everything from trade to travel, and they’ve long been in need of an upgrade,” said Tester. “Through my bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, we’ll be able to modernize our land ports to ensure that they’re safe, secure, and able to support the Montana small businesses that rely on cross-border commerce.”

In total, Tester secured $3.85 billion for ports of entry through his bipartisan IIJA. The $3.3 million secured for Montana’s land ports of entry will be used for road repairs, generator replacements, water system repairs, and more at ports across the state. Tester worked across the aisle for months to negotiate his bipartisan package with a group of five Republicans, four Democrats, and the White House, and he was the only member of Montana’s congressional delegation to vote for it.

Tester continues to work to ensure that law enforcement have the resources they need to secure the United States’ northern and southern borders. Tester recently cosponsored two bipartisan bills to increase the recruitment and retention of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and U.S. Border Patrol agents. Tester’s Securing America’s Ports of Entry Act will require CBP to hire additional agents to meet staffing needs, and his Border Patrol Pay Security Act will increase overtime pay for Border Patrol agents.

He is also pushing for additional funding for Montana law enforcement in his bipartisan Assisting Narcotics and Trafficking Officers in Interdicting (ANTI) Drugs Act to combat drug trafficking.

Tester’s law is projected to create more than 800,000 American jobs and lower costs for businesses by making targeted investments that will strengthen our nation without raising taxes on working families. A full list of Montana provisions in Tester’s bipartisan infrastructure law can be found HERE.
