Tester, Walsh back Indian voting rights bill

Lee State Bureau

by Charles S. Johnson

HELENA – Sens. Jon Tester and John Walsh said Thursday they are supporting a bill to better protect voting rights across Indian country.

The two Democrats are cosponsoring a bill by Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, which seeks to “safeguard the voting rights of Native Americans and Alaska Native voters and to provide the resources and oversight necessary to ensure equal access to the electoral process.”

“I think what it does is it’s going to provide some access for tribal folks to vote,” Tester said in a telephone interview. “There’s been an attack on the right to vote.”

Read more: http://missoulian.com/news/state-and-regional/tester-walsh-back-indian-voting-rights-bill/article_466015ca-e202-11e3-b07c-001a4bcf887a.html

