Wounded Warriors Act would give vets time to tend injuries


by Martin Kidston

Veterans with service-related disabilities would receive more than two weeks of sick leave for medical visits their first year on the job as a federal employee under bipartisan legislation introduced this week.

U.S. Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Jerry Moran, R-Kan., introduced the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act.

If passed, the measure would give first-year federal workers 104 hours of sick leave for medical visits stemming from a service-related disability.

“Men and women who serve our country in battle, and again for a federal agency, shouldn’t be reaching into their own pockets to treat service-related injuries,” Tester said. “Many of these injuries require time-consuming care, and this common-sense bill makes sure veterans can get the care they need.”

Read more: http://missoulian.com/news/local/wounded-warriors-act-would-give-vets-time-to-tend-injuries/article_ff5b2a33-a430-5bd1-b566-f9456adbd663.html

