Tester pushes US to bring back old guns

The Associated Press

HELENA, Mont. (AP) _ U.S. Sen. Jon Tester is pushing the State Department to bring back thousands of old WWII-vintage rifles from South Korea so citizens can buy them through a government program.

The State Department previously rejected South Korea's proposal to sell its surplus of American-made M1 Carbines and M1 Garand rifles to U.S. buyers.

Tester says that agency is wrong to declare the firearms could “be exploited by individuals seeking firearms for illicit purposes.''

He told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that rejecting the sale “sets a dangerous precedent'' and runs afoul of gun rights. The senator is also introducing legislation to allow such guns to be bought from foreign governments by properly licensed groups.

U.S. Sen. Max Baucus is co-sponsoring the bill.
