NBC Montana: Tester works to hold Congress accountable, improve transparency

by Michael Santoscoy

U.S. Sen. Jon Tester is proposing a resolution that requires members of Congress to post their schedules online.

Tester’s goal is to increase transparency and hold Congress more accountable.

He says people deserve to know what their elected officials are working on and where they’re spending their time.

Tester says the majority of Montanans would like to see members of Congress post their schedule.

His bill requires members to post each hearing, meeting or event attended, plus the member’s floor activity and a general description of the individuals, entities or organizations participating in the meeting or event.

“I think what’s good for Montana is good for the country, and in this case, I hold myself to a higher standard. I’ve been doing it since I got here. It’s really not that big a deal, it’s not that tough, and it would be great if other members would do it too, and that’s why we put this bill in,” said Tester.

In order for the bill to move forward, it has to go through a committee first. We’ll let you know what happens.
