In Helena, Tester Fields Questions From More than 100 Montanans at Public Town Hall

Senator is the only member of the Montana congressional delegation to hold public town halls; this is his second in-person town hall in the last 8 days

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today answered questions and solicited feedback from a crowd of more than 100 constituents at Helena College during an in-person town hall that was free and open to the public.

“Hearing directly from Montanans is the best way to really understand what folks need from their elected officials,” Tester said. “Events like these are invaluable, and I’m glad to be hosting in-person town halls so that I can meet with folks face to face. There’s no better way get feedback from my bosses—the people of Montana.”

Before taking questions, Tester emphasized the importance of in-person town halls and the need for more transparency and open communication in government. Tester then opened the floor to questions concerning American Rescue Plan funding, the bipartisan infrastructure package, climate, and energy prices, among other topics.

Tester is the only member of the Montana congressional delegation to hold public town hall meetings. He held eight in 2019, and when the COVID-19 pandemic prevented large, in-person gatherings, he hosted 21 virtual town halls. Last week in Bozeman, he hosted his first in-person town hall since the beginning of the pandemic.
