NEW: Tester Ranked Most Bipartisan Member of Montana Congressional Delegation, Top 10 in U.S. Senate

Nonpartisan Lugar Center rankings recognized Tester for his work with Republicans on key Montana priorities

U.S. Senator Jon Tester has been recognized as one of the top 10 most bipartisan members of the U.S. Senate and as the most bipartisan member of Montana’s congressional delegation in 2023 for his successful work defending Montana and fighting on behalf of our nation’s veterans.

Tester received high marks from The Lugar Center’s Bipartisan Index (BPI) rankings, a nonpartisan tool which measures the degree to which Senators and Representatives work across party lines on legislation.

“Montanans sent me to the Senate to deliver commonsense results and protect our way of life, not to toe a party line,” said Tester. “I’m proud to be recognized for my bipartisan work fighting on behalf of Montana, and I’ll continue to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat – to lower costs for Montana families, ensure our military has the tools it needs to keep our country safe, and honor the commitment we made to our nation’s veterans.”

Tester has been the most effective lawmaker thus far during the 118th Congress. He continues to work with Republicans on key Montana priorities, including securing the southern border. Tester voted for bipartisan legislation to secure the border in February, and his bipartisan FEND Off Fentanyl Act to crack down on the international trafficking of illicit fentanyl was recently signed into law.

The Common Ground Scorecard, a nonpartisan organization that measures how much elected officials work across party lines to find common ground, recognized Tester in September as one of the most effective Members of Congress and as the most bipartisan member of Montana’s congressional delegation for his successful work defending Montana.

Additionally, Tester was ranked the 4th most effective Senator among all 100 Republicans and Democrats in the 117th Congress by the non-partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking. The rating is based on the combination of fifteen metrics regarding the bills that each member of Congress sponsors, how far they move through the lawmaking process, and how substantial their policy proposals are. Tester was also ranked as the #1 Senator out of 100 who has been the most “continually effective” across multiple Congresses.
