Tester’s veterans’ jobs bill is fully paid for

Senator’s plan to put more veterans to work will receive a vote Thursday

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester announced today that his VOW to Hire Heroes Act to put more veterans back to work is fully paid for and won’t result in higher taxes.

Tester’s VOW to Hire Heroes Act combines numerous popular proposals from both sides of the aisle, including Tester’s own Hiring Heroes Act. The bill will create job opportunities for veterans by streamlining the transition from military service to civilian work, expanding training opportunities and providing tax incentives for companies that hire veterans.

On a conference call today with veterans’ service organizations to discuss the VOW to Hire Heroes Act, Tester emphasized that his bill is a responsible, bipartisan solution to the problem of veterans’ unemployment.

“This package has good ideas from both Republicans and Democrats,” Tester said. “The bill is paid for. That means it won’t increase the deficit.”

Tester’s measure is paid for by:
• Ensuring that the VA verifies the eligibility of recipients of VA needs-based benefits,
• Giving the VA flexibility to choose between reimbursement rates for ambulance services,
• Maintaining current fee levels for certain individuals who use the VA Home Loan Program,
• Extending reduced pensions for certain veterans covered by Medicaid Plans for services furnished by nursing facilities.

Sue Davidson, a veteran from Billings and a member of the American Legion and Disabled American Veterans, said that Tester’s bill will be vital for veterans facing tough challenges returning from conflicts overseas.

“We can’t ask for much more,” Davidson said, referring to Tester’s bill. “I think that all these things are going to be of great benefit to our veterans coming home and I really thank Senator Tester for working on this.”

Tester is Montana’s only member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

His VOW to Hire Heroes Act, which will be voted on by the Senate tomorrow, is available online HERE.

