Tester praises enactment of veterans’ jobs bill

President signs Tester’s legislation into law

(U.S. SENATE) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement after the President signed his VOW to Hire Heroes Act into law:

“The enactment of this jobs bill begins another important chapter in our commitment to ensuring access to good-paying jobs and opportunity for the men and women who put their lives on the line for us. In the midst of stifling partisan gridlock, Montanans and all Americans can take pride in knowing that our commitment to veterans remains strong. We have more work to do to fully live up to the promises made to America’s veterans, but this new law is a significant victory.”

The Senate unanimously approved Tester’s VOW to Hire Heroes Act earlier this month. The measure:
• Ensures that military experience counts for veterans who wish to become civilian truck drivers, paramedics or health providers, mechanics or engineers;
• Provides tax incentives for companies that hire veterans – particularly those who have been unemployed for long periods of time;
• Makes the Transition Assistance Program mandatory for most service members transitioning to civilian status;
• Expands educational and training opportunities for older veterans.

The VOW to Hire Heroes Act is available online HERE.

