Tester votes to protect Medicare, rejects House bill to end it

Senate defeats House of Representatives’ plan to ‘end Medicare as we know it’

(U.S. SENATE) – Senator Jon Tester today released the following statement after his vote to reject a plan by the House of Representatives that would end Medicare:

“Some lawmakers say they still don’t know how this bill would affect Montana.  I know exactly how it affects Montana and our seniors.  The irresponsible plan put forward by the House of Representatives ends Medicare as we know it, and Montana’s seniors can’t afford that.   As long as I’m a Senator, I’ll always stand up for Montana’s seniors, and for a responsible, long-term plan to cut spending and cut our debt while strengthening Medicare and Social Security for future generations.  Montanans deserve no less.”

Tester tonight also voted to reject President Obama’s budget plan for 2012, which Tester says would force rural communities to shoulder disproportionately bigger burdens than urban communities.
