Tester: We must prevent a nuclear Iran

(U.S. Senate) – Senator Jon Tester today issued the following statement after the Senate passed the bipartisan Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act giving Congress the authority to review the President’s negotiated deal with Iran:

“We must do everything we can to prevent a nuclear Iran. This bill strikes a strong balance that ensures transparency for the American people and gives Congress a say in the process. As these negotiations move forward, I will monitor them closely to ensure that our national security is protected.”

The President has been negotiating a deal with Iran, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and Germany to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Under the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, the President must submit the text of the final agreement to Congress within five days of completing the negotiations. The bill also prohibits the President from suspending sanctions for up to 52 days after submitting the agreement to Congress.

Tester, a senior member of the Senate Banking Committee, helped impose current sanctions that weakened Iran and brought it to the negotiating table.

After two weeks of political wrangling, the bill passed the Senate in a 98-1 vote.

