Tester Calls On Trump to Deliver on Promise to “Drain the Swamp”

Senator Doubles Down on Cleaning up Washington

(U.S. Senate) – Following news that President-elect Donald Trump is filling his Administration with former lobbyists, Senator Jon Tester issued this statement:

“I’m deeply troubled that the President-elect is surrounding himself with lobbyists who are using loopholes to get around the rules after he promised to ‘drain the swamp.’ It’s my hope that he will work with me to clean up Washington and make sure that voices of special interests don’t drown out those of hard-working families and small businesses in Montana and across the country.”

Trump promised throughout his campaign that he would “Drain the Swamp” and Senator Tester has expressed strong interest in working with him to accomplish that goal.

Tester is sponsoring the Close the Revolving Door Act which would prevent former members of Congress from becoming lobbyists. He also holds himself to a high ethical standard, posting his daily schedule online.

Tester today reiterated his commitment to working with the President-elect on issues that are important to Montana.

“I look forward to working with President-elect Trump to create good-paying jobs, strengthen our economy, and make responsible investments in infrastructure, education and health care,” said Tester. “But when he doesn’t uphold our Montana values, I will hold him accountable.”

