Tester Delivers $1 Million for Montana Task Force to Combat Meth Crisis

Program helps officials prevent the manufacture, distribution of meth

U.S. Senator Jon Tester today delivered a $1 million U.S. Department of Justice grant to help communities combat meth use and trafficking in Montana.

The Community-Oriented Policing Service (COPS) Anti-Meth Task Force funding will help stem the flow of meth and other dangerous drugs into Montana communities and help local officials prevent the manufacture of dangerous drugs in across the state.

“Meth use is a serious problem in Montana, and we need to pull out all the stops to keep it from causing further harm to families across our state,” Tester said. “This funding will help make sure local officials have the tools and resources they need to keep meth and other dangerous drugs off the streets, keeping families safe and communities secure.”

The program, operated by the Department of Justice, provides grants directly to local law enforcement agencies in states on the front line of the methamphetamine crisis. These investments help agencies investigate meth labs, bring traffickers to justice, and interdict meth and the chemicals used to make it.

Tester has fought for increased funding for the program, including with legislation last year to boost funding to $13 million, up from $8 million last year.
