Tester Statement on Arrival of First COVID-19 Vaccine Shipments in Montana

As the first shipments of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine make their way to Montana and frontline health care workers prepare to receive the initial round of doses, U.S. Senator Jon Tester released the following statement:

“Thanks to hard work of Americans across the country, the first COVID-19 vaccine has arrived in Montana and is ready for distribution. When the sun rises tomorrow, Montana’s frontline health care workers will start receiving the first doses of the vaccine, marking an extraordinary milestone after many months of hardship and sacrifice. I’ll continue my push to ensure a swift and efficient vaccine distribution process that makes sure every Montanan has access no matter who they are or where they live, so we can get to the other side of this crisis and get our economy back on track.”

Senator Tester fought to secure more than $10 billion in funding for vaccine research, development, and distribution. Last week, Tester pressed officials from the Department of Veterans Affairs to develop a swift, equitable, and comprehensive distribution plan for veterans and VA staff. Tester, Montana’s only member of the Senate Commerce Committee, secured commitments from vaccine delivery strategists at UPS and FedEx to ensure timely and efficient vaccine shipments to Montana’s rural and frontier communities.
