Tester Pays Tribute to Nation’s Fallen Servicemembers on Memorial Day

Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman delivers remarks and plays Taps at annual Memorial Day ceremony in Butte

U.S. Senator Jon Tester, Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today attended a Memorial Day ceremony alongside veterans, local officials, and community members in Butte to pay his respects to Montana’s fallen servicemembers.

At the event, Tester delivered remarks and played Taps in honor of the nation’s fallen heroes.

“Montanans are no strangers to service,” said Tester. “For generations, these brave men and women have answered the call to duty to keep us safe, and it’s our responsibility to honor their sacrifices-living or gone. Today, let us recommit ourselves to serving those who fought for us when they put on the uniform and honor those who sacrificed their lives to ensure we remain the greatest country in the world. May we live up to their legacy today and every day.”

As Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs’ Committee, Tester continues to work each day to hold the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accountable and tear down barriers to care for Montana veterans. A longtime fighter for the expansion of care and benefits for toxic exposure veterans, Tester moved the ball forward on his top veteran’s priority last week, successfully ushering his landmark Comprehensive and Overdue Support for Troops (COST) of War Act of 2021 out of committee. This historic bill will provide generations of veterans suffering from illnesses related to their toxic exposures benefits and health care for the first time in VA history.

