Tester’s veterans’ jobs bill offering new education assistance

VOW to Hire Heroes Act provision focuses on retraining 100,000 veterans for high-demand jobs

(BILLINGS, Mont.) – Senator Jon Tester’s VOW to Hire Heroes Act is making a difference for veterans in Montana and across the nation.
Tester’s bill, the only jobs bill to become law in 2011, makes the transition between military service and civilian work as seamless as possible by connecting veterans with job opportunities.
Under the bipartisan law, the Department of Veterans Affairs this week began to allow qualifying veterans to receive up to 12 months of education assistance to retrain them for high-demand jobs.
Tester, Montana’s only member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, said putting veterans back to work is a top priority as the nation rebuilds its economy.
“Simply put, we have a responsibility and an obligation to provide for all veterans and their families,” Tester said.  “Expanding access to education and training will create jobs by opening more doors for our hard-working veterans and helping them get back into the workforce.”
The education assistance is available to unemployed veterans between the ages of 35 and 60. 
“This important tool will help those who served our country receive the education and training they need to find meaningful employment in a high-demand field,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “Veterans are disciplined, hardworking, goal-oriented team members who can play a vital role in helping businesses and the economy grow.”
To qualify for the assistance, veterans must start education or training after July 1, 2012 in a VA-approved education program offered by a community college or technical school.  More information is available online HERE.
Tester’s bipartisan VOW to Hire Heroes Act, which the Senator called “the most significant piece of veterans’ jobs legislation since I’ve been in the Senate,” was completely paid for without raising taxes.  More details are available online HERE.

