Tester-backed Bipartisan Legislation Awarding Congressional Gold Medals to 13 American Troops Killed in Afghanistan is Signed into Law

Chairman: “This small recognition of that extraordinary sacrifice will ensure their service is never forgotten.”

President Joe Biden today signed a bipartisan bill backed by Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester awarding Congressional Gold Medals posthumously to the 13 American servicemembers who died on August 26, 2021 defending Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan during evacuation efforts.

“All Americans owe a deep debt of gratitude to our men and women in uniform—and the sacrifice of the 13 servicemembers who lost their lives while carrying out their mission in Afghanistan can never be repaid,” said Chairman Tester. “This small recognition of that extraordinary sacrifice will ensure their service is never forgotten.”

Following the United States military’s completed withdrawal from Afghanistan, Chairman Tester expressed his unyielding support and gratitude in a bipartisan letter to veterans of Afghanistan and their families. The Senator highlighted the U.S. military’s achievements over the course of the War on Terror, and thanked those in uniform for their ongoing efforts with past and present Congresses and Presidential administrations to ensure Afghan partners who worked and fought alongside U.S. forces are not left behind. He also reaffirmed his commitment to working with the Department of Veterans Affairs to meet the emerging needs of veterans who served in Afghanistan—ensuring they receive the care, benefits, and support they have earned.
