Tester Resolution Demanding Russia Release Unjustly Detained American Marc Fogel Passes Senate with Unanimous Support

Senator met with Fogel’s family, continually pledged to keep fighting to bring him home

The Senate unanimously passed Senator Jon Tester’s resolution calling for the immediate release of Marc Fogel from Russia. Fogel, whose immediate family resides in Montana, is a U.S. citizen and career educator who has been unjustly imprisoned by Russia since August 2021.

The resolution urges the Biden Administration to prioritize securing the release of Mr. Fogel and all other U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are wrongfully detained by Russia.

“Marc Fogel’s imprisonment is unjust and unacceptable, and it has continued for far too long,” said Tester. “I’m glad to see my bipartisan resolution demanding his release pass the Senate, and I will continue pushing the Administration and using every tool at my disposal to secure his return and ensure this innocent American is finally reunited with his loved ones.”

“I want to thank Senator Tester and his colleagues for leading the efforts in passing Senate Concurrent Resolution 18 which calls for the immediate release of my brother Marc Fogel from prison in Russia.  My brother was detained before Brittney Griner under parallel circumstances.  It is now coming up on three years in which he has been left behind.  He is in fragile health, and we need him home—my 95-year-old-mother needs him home,” said Anne Fogel, sister of Marc Fogel from Missoula.  “Senator Tester has supported our family which includes Marc’s son Sam who lives near me in Bozeman.  We are so appreciative.  It is imperative that President Biden designate Marc Fogel as wrongfully detained, as he did Brittney Griner, and prioritize him in the next prisoner swap with Russia.  Thank you, Senator Tester for not forgetting Marc.  Please continue pushing the Biden administration, your colleagues, and any others who can help.”

“I would like to thank Senator Tester for his continued support of my father, Marc Fogel, and the entire Fogel family.  The Senator has engaged personally with us and reached out to the administration on my father’s behalf.  My dad is a proud American and a great teacher and father.  He must be designated as wrongfully detained and brought home with Evan Gershkovich in the next negotiation with Russia.  On behalf of my family, thank you Senator Tester for continuing the fight on behalf of my dad,” said Sam Fogel of Bozeman.

“I am so very thankful to Senator Tester for working to bring my son home.  Marc Fogel is a wonderful man who has taught so many young Americans around the world.  It is my greatest wish to see him again.  I am so concerned about Marc’s wellbeing and health.  Please do not forget about my son and our family.  He deserves the same treatment as Brittney Griner.  Thank you, Senator Tester for meeting with me, my daughter Anne and grandson Sam and supporting us,” said Malphine Fogel, 95-year-old mother of Marc Fogel from Butler, Pennsylvania.

Tester has been leading the push to secure Mr. Fogel’s release and reunite him with his loved ones. Last August, Tester sent a letter to Secretary Blinken urging the State Department to designate Mr. Fogel as “wrongfully detained,” so his case can get the appropriate attention from U.S. officials.
