Tester Urges Quick Action on Major Richard Star Act at Press Conference Alongside Military and Veterans Service Organizations

Bipartisan legislation from Tester would deliver combat-injured veterans’ full military benefits;

Address longstanding injustice for those forced to medically retire from service

U.S. Senator Jon Tester, Chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, held a press conference today to demand swift Congressional action on his bipartisan bill to fix an injustice that prevents combat-injured veterans with less than 20 years of military service from receiving their full military benefits. Tester was joined by Military and Veterans Service Organizations and Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.).

“Today, combat-injured veterans who are forced to retire before completing 20 years of service aren’t getting their full military pension, and that’s unacceptable,” said Tester. “Whenever I see troops, veterans or their families being nickled and dimed, I will take on anyone in Washington on their behalf. The Major Richard Star Act is key to fulfilling our nation’s promise to those in uniform, and I’m proud to lead this fight with Military and Veterans Service Organizations. We won’t back down until this gets signed into law, and provides combat-injured veterans the benefits, dignity, and respect they deserve and have earned.”

Named in honor of decorated war veteran Major Richard A. Star who was forced to medically retire due to his combat-related injuries, the Major Richard Star Act is a top legislative priority for Senator Tester, military and veterans’ groups that would deliver full earned benefits to combat-injured veterans.

A staunch advocate for delivering veterans their earned benefits and health care, Senator Tester has been leading the charge to fix the current system that prevents combat-injured veterans with less than 20 years of military service from receiving the full amount of their Department of Defense (DoD) retirement and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability payments. His bipartisan Major Richard Star Act will fix this policy for medically retired veterans—providing them their full VA disability and DoD retirement payments.


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